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Financial Reports and Information


Annual Budgets

The District's fiscal year runs from May 1st through April 30th, and is approved by the District's Board of Directors. The current budget and previous three years' budgets can be accessed from the links below.


2023-2024 Approved Budget


2022-2023 Approved Budget


2021-2022 Approved Budget


2020-2021 Approved Budget


2019-2020 Approved Budget


Audited Financial Statements

An independent auditing firm completes an audit of the District's finances and accounting practices each year. The audited financial statements may be accessed from the links below.

2022-2023 Audited Financial Statement


2021-2022 Audited Financial Statement


2020-2021 Audited Financial Statement


2019-2020 Audited Financial Statement


2018-2019 Audited Financial Statement


Revenue Sources

The primary source of District revenue comes from agricultural water sales. Other significant revenue sources include Yolo County property tax distributions, bulk sales of municipal and industrial water, and proceeds from state and federal grants. Proceeds from sales of hydroelectric power generation are highly variable depending on water supplies. Please refer to the approved budgets and audited financial statements in the links above for specific information regarding District revenues and expenses.

Rates & Fees

Annual water rates are typically set by the District Board of Directors at their meeting in May. Water rates are highly dependent on water supply; a full water supply with ample carry-over storage results in the lowest water rates; very low water supplies results in higher water rates. For rates and fees for the current water year, please access the link below.


2021 Water Rates and Fees